Current Positions

Committee Members

Senior Net is looking for volunteer committee members. No need to be a senior yourself.

Tutors (Technology and Internet)

Tutors needed to teach seniors at Senior Net seminars how to use computers, smart phones, tablets/ipads, social media, internet banking, etc.

Become a "Good Bitch"- Spread Kindness through Baking

Good Bitches Baking is all about spreading kindness in our community. We aim to give a moment of sweetness to people going through a tough time.

Kitchen Helpers

Become a 'Kitchen Angel' at Crossroads. Join our fabulous team. We provide low or no cost, fresh food for our customers. We make sandwiches and soups daily to supply our Koha Cafe, as well as prepare an evening Community Dinner on Wednesdays.

Cafe Servers

Help run the John's Kitchen cafe, welcoming patrons/clients, making and serving simple breakfasts of toast & cereal, hot drinks, serving cabinet food and some basic cleaning.

Microsoft Word Documents

Needing help to do document writing. Preparing probationaries for a National Political Hikoi of New Zealand to promote maori sovereignty.

Supporter for Day Programme (Tōtara Club & Homeshare)

Support seniors attending a day program: assist with activities and help serve lunch/refreshments. Alternatively, assist with transporting clients.

Butchery - Falcon Food Preparation

Help us butcher meat/small game animals into portions suitable for our resident NZ falcons! (Weekday mornings only)


Gardener needed to help keep our kārearea (NZ Falcon) conservation facility looking beautiful!

Community Ambassador

Help promote RYALT's free reading and writing lessons. Flexible timing. 4 hours per month.