Our growing Scout Group is in need of more Adult Leaders to assist in providing adventurous and exciting opportunities to our Cub, Scout and Venturers.
We need your help! We have numerous different roles available, come be a part of out Eastern States Speedway team!
The Picton Environment Centre (Envirohub Marlborough, Picton Dawn Chorus and Kaipūpū Sanctuary) each year run the Plant Creche at the Garden Marlborough Fete. We need your help to be the kind eyes to watch over people's plants during their visit!
Join the dream team! Help us create an unforgettable 2025 event!
We are seeking local dedicated volunteers to help establish and shape a new St John Area Committee for the Marlborough region.
Volunteer home visitors are people who want to support other families in their community. They have experience raising children and managing a household and have practical skills and knowledge about a range of day to day activities.
Providing support and comfort to our patients, whanau and visitors by providing books and magazines to people on our various wards in a friendly and courteous manner. With opportunity to support individual patients who may not receive visitors.
Supervising and caring for babies and toddlers while mothers attend a therapeutic support group. Tuesdays 9:00am - noon.
Provide friendship to a person with an intellectual disability online! The friendship programme takes place from anywhere in New Zealand and is flexible. You can fit it into your normal daily routine, and you can do it from your own home via your laptop o
Volunteer at the Breast Cancer Foundation Street Appeal and help us Kick Breast Cancer to the Kerb!