Provide friendship to a person with an intellectual disability online! The friendship programme takes place from anywhere in New Zealand and is flexible. You can fit it into your normal daily routine, and you can do it from your own home via your laptop o
Tutors needed to teach seniors at Senior Net seminars how to use computers, smart phones, tablets/ipads, social media, internet banking, etc.
Become a 'Kitchen Angel' at Crossroads. Join our fabulous team. We provide low or no cost, fresh food for our customers. We make sandwiches and soups daily to supply our Koha Cafe, as well as prepare an evening Community Dinner on Wednesdays.
Needing help to do document writing. Preparing probationaries for a National Political Hikoi of New Zealand to promote maori sovereignty.
Are you interested in providing girls and young women opportunities to build resilience, confidence, and a strong sense of identity? We require volunteers to help lead in Blenheim.
Weekend help required to help feed out horses and muck out paddocks
Help promote RYALT's free reading and writing lessons. Flexible timing. 4 hours per month.
Seeking community-minded people to assist in the hosting of Harakeke Hubs....and sign-posting people in need of information!
We are seeking assistance running our monthly kid's events with Envirohub Marlborough's Conservation Kids NZ programme! We run talks, games, arts & crafts and all sorts of ways to inspire and teach our tamariki the value of our beautiful natural world.
One more volunteer driver needed to fill out the Picton MCVT team. Volunteers drive people from Picton to Nelson and back for medical appointments. Full, clean driver's licence needed.