
Volunteering: A Gift You Give Yourself - Rosalie Norton

30 April 2021 | News

Rosalie Norton, a young volunteer from the Waikato, was trying to overcome her shyness and she went to Volunteering Waikato and got invol...

5 Tips for Great Grant Writing

28 April 2021 | News

For many not-for-profits, funding grants are integral to delivering their programmes and services, and for some, it is their primary source of funding...

Inspiring Action

26 April 2021 | News

Here at Volunteer Marlborough, we often hear questions about "how can we attract more volunteers?", "how can we keep the volunteers we...

Supporting Volunteers Living With Mental Illness

22 April 2021 | News

As humans living in this world, particularly during/post-pandemic (depending where in the world you are reading from), we all have moments of struggle...

Volunteer of the Month - Joy Fletcher

14 April 2021 | News

The Volunteer of the Month Award for April 2021 was awarded to Joy Fletcher. Joy has been volunteering her time to the Picton Little Theatre committe...

Seeking Youth Advisory Committee Members

12 April 2021 | News

Volunteer Marlborough is an independent volunteer centre committed to promoting volunteerism and to assisting the people of Marlborough to find opport...

Volunteer of the Month - Fiona Jones

18 March 2021 | News

The Volunteer of the Month Award for March 2021 was awarded to Fiona Jones. She was nominated by the Volunteer Coordinator of Selmes Garden Trust, Den...

Member Spotlight: Alzheimers Marlborough

16 November 2020 | News

Today we are shining a spotlight on Alzheimers Marlborough, one of our many member organisations. We spoke with Diane Tolley (Manager) about what Alzh...

Welcome, Honourable Priyanca Radhakrishnan

11 November 2020 | News

The Volunteer Marlborough team extends a warm and enthusiastic welcome to the recently appointed Minister for the Community & Voluntary Sector; Di...

Member Spotlight: PSUSI

9 November 2020 | News

Today we are shining a spotlight on Presbyterian Support Upper South Island (PSUSI), one of our many member organisations. We spoke with Sharaine Stee...