Mission: The restoration of the Grovetown Lagoon to enhance the habitat for fish and bird life, and to enable gathering of food and encourage recreational use. Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon is an exciting project to restore a beautiful wetland for the enjoyment of everyone in Marlborough today and for future generations. If you are keen there lots of way you can help out. Planting and weed control are the primary focus of Working Bees. Volunteers will also develop and maintain tracks including the new one around the lagoon. We have a well stocked shade house located at Grovetown School where native seedlings are grown and potted up until large enough to be planted outdoors. Weed control around smaller plants is essential, especially at the times of year when growth is very rapid. Without weeds around them new plants do not have to compete for sunlight and water when they are just becoming established. As well as a chance to get stuck in to the job of the day, these groups are an opportunity to catch up with other progress on the project, and enjoy the company of other locals involved. Volunteers are welcome to join the Wetland Warriors group on Wednesdays from 9:30am to 11:30am. There is also a group who work in the shade-house most Thursdays, from 1:30pm to 3:30pm. More volunteers are always welcome at the Working Bees, which are held every six weeks on a Sunday.
Join a group of people looking after Grovetown Lagoon. Planting trees, creating tracks, weeding, improving the water quality, etc. Wednesdays or Sunday