Welcome Be Collective!

6 December 2021 | News

We are excited to promote Be Collective to organisations across Marlborough!

Be Collective is a community organisation like us, committed to connecting more volunteers to the causes they care about and providing a suite of tools for organisations to do their volunteer management and transition into the digital age.

We got Alex Drummond, Be Collective's local Community Development Manager to give us a bit of a rundown on all things Be Collective.

Tell us about your Kaupapa?

Be Collective is a B Corp Certified social enterprise committed to lifting community organisations into the digital age. We're backed by philanthropy and believe passionately in the power of volunteering to effect social change. I like to say we have all the bells and whistles of fancy private sector technology but for public purpose!

So who are Be Collective, and what do you guys do?

At Be Collective, we make it easier to volunteer, and to recruit and manage volunteers. We do that by supporting organisations like Volunteer Marlborough and their local partners with digital infrastructure to connect people and groups to opportunities quickly.

How does Be Collective work?

Be Collective is a digital platform designed to bring community goodwill together, to help organisations engage, manage, and leverage their volunteer communities and local ecosystems for the greater good.

On the surface, Be Collective operates a bit like an online 'job board' for good works in the community. Anyone can sign up and start creating opportunities for free.

Those looking to volunteer can quickly log in to the website, create a profile and browse opportunities and organisations based on their interests, skills, and location.

When they find something suitable, they can reach out and connect at the click of a button.

So, like Seek Volunteer?

So much more than that!

With Be Collective, organisations can partner with one another to share volunteers and recruit the right people for the right roles.

We supply the technology, socialk infrastructure, and deep expertise organisations need to better activate and manage volunteer communities, with scheduliing and rostering tools, social impact reporting, and communications support!

Be Collective also makes reporting super easy, even creating individualised 'social CVs' for volunteers - a digital record of that individual's impact on the community, with every hour logged and every new skill verified.

How do I get started?

Jump online and set up a profile! www.becollective.com or get in touch with Alex for some training!