Volunteer Marlborough (with assistance from volunteers), on behalf of the voluntary & community sector, and in conjunction with the Volunteer Centre Network of Aotearoa (VCNA) submitted a list of questions to those running for local office here in Marlborough. For consistency, effort has been made to ask the same questions of all candidates around the country.
Here, we hear from SALLY ARBUCKLE:
What role do you think Council has in supporting a thriving Marlborough region for the voluntary & community sector?
I think Council should advocate for the volunteer sector and allow Council facilities such as meeting rooms available to the community sector at no charge.
What do you think are the significant obstacles and opportunities facing the Marlborough region's voluntary & community sector over the next few years? If elected, how would you address these opportunities and obstacles?
Opportunities are to get more people involved in volunteering and Council could assist through its media channels. The significant obstacle is if volunteers are used too often and are burnt out or lose interest due to demanding commitments.
How do you view volunteering in the community? i.e. Is it important? What value do volunteers bring? And, if elected, how would you personally support the voluntary & community sector in Marlborough?
I view volunteering as a very important part of how our community operates. Volunteers allow many community organisations and events to operate, without them they would not happen successfully.
We've had a lot of extreme weather events around the country lately, and we are rather earthquake prone as a country. How do you see the role of volunteers as part of the disaster response locally?
Marlborough Emergency Management Centre would be the best way to connect volunteers with roles in a local disaster response.
How do you see Council and community organisations working together to build a robust, resilient, and welcoming region and community?
Good communication between Council and community organisations is required to understand roles and what is on offer.
If you are successful in these local elections, how will you recognise and support the vital role of volunteers, volunteer-involving-organisations, and volunteer support services in the electorate? And how might you see yourself working with Volunteer Marlborough?
Make myself available if contacted and advocated back to Council.
What impact do you perceive volunteers to have in our community? (Volunteer submitted)
Large impact as most not-for-profit organisations would not exist without volunteers
How do you think volunteers and not-for-profits could better the community even further? (Volunteer submitted)
Communicate what's available as many people don't know what's available.
In what ways do you think Volunteer Marlborough could help to improve local volunteer programmes and further support not-for-profit organisations? (Volunteer submitted)
Communicate what's available and enrol more volunteers by informing the public what you offer
What regional policies do you think are the most important for supporting our local organisations and volunteers in the sector so that they flourish rather than perish? (Volunteer submitted)
Community Grants that help organisations operate and Council assistance at no cost.
What resources and support do you plan to implement or maintain in order to continue to develop and support the not-for-profit sector as it stands? (Volunteer submitted)
Continue Council funding and make sure it's CPI adjusted to keep up with inflation
What message would you like to share with the volunteers of our region? (Volunteer submitted)
You are amazing people that help our communities be a better place to live.
Thank you, Sally, for taking the time to answer these questions!