Embracing Inclusivity: Embracing Volunteers with Extra Support Needs

5 August 2024 | News

written by Meg Martin (General Manager)

At Volunteer Marlborough, we believe in the power of volunteering to transform lives and communities. This belief extends to everyone, including individuals with health conditions and disabilities. Unfortunately, it is all too easy for organisations to overlook these potential volunteers, placing them in the proverbial 'too hard basket'.

It's time for a change.

By embracing inclusivity and making small, thoughtful adjustments, organisations can create welcoming environments where all volunteers can thrive.

The Importance of Inclusivity

Volunteering offers numerous benefits, from skill development and social connections to improved mental well-being. For individuals with health conditions or disabilities, these opportunities can be even more valuable. Volunteering often provides a sense of purpose, community, and achievement for any of us. By excluding those with potential extra support needs, we not only deny them these benefits but also miss out on their unique talents and perspectives.

Breaking Down Barriers

Organisations often face challenges when accommodating volunteers with extra support needs. However, with the right mindset and resources, these barriers can be overcome. Here are some practical steps organisations can take to become more inclusive:

  1. Open Communication: Start by having open conversations with potential volunteers about their needs and how you can support them. This dialogue helps build trust and ensures you understand their requirements.
  2. Flexible Roles: Adapt volunteer roles to suit the abilities and interests of individuals. This might involve modifying tasks, providing assistive technology, or allowing flexible hours.
  3. Training and Support: Equip your team with the knowledge and skills to support volunteers with extra needs. This could include training on disability awareness, mental health first aid, and communication techniques.
  4. Accessible Environments: Ensure your physical and digital spaces are accessibe. This includes ramps, clear signage, and accessible websites.
  5. Mentorship Programmes: Pair volunteers with experienced mentors who can provide guidance and support. This not only helps the volunteers but also fosters a culture of inclusion within your organisation.

How Volunteer Marlborough Can Help

At Volunteer Marlborough, we are committed to supporting organisations in their journey towards inclusivity. We offer a range of services to help you accommodate volunteers with extra support needs:

  • Consultation Services: Our team can provide advice on making your organisation more accessible, inclusive, and welcoming.
  • Training Workshops: We can connect you with the best organisations to provide workshops on disability awareness, mental health support, and inclusive practices.
  • Resource Provision: We have a wealth of resources available, including guides on accessible volunteering and toolkits for creating inclusive environments.
  • Volunteer Matching: We can help math your organisation with volunteers who have the skills and enthusiasm you need, including those with extra support needs.

Success Stories

Many organisations have successfully embraced inclusivity with positive results. For example, Whānau Āwhina Plunket has seen incredible contributions from a recent volunteer with an intellectual disability, who has brought new ideas and perspectives to their team.

A Call to Action

Creating an inclusive volunteer environment is not just a nice-to-have, it's a necessity. By welcoming volunteers with extra support needs, we enrich our organisations and strengthen our communities. Volunteer Marlborough is here to support you every step of the way.

Together, let's ensure that no volunteer is left behind.

For more information or to access our resources, please contact us at (03) 577-9388 or visit our website at www.volunteermarlborough.org.nz